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Assange Aktuell 2024

Julian Assange to appeal extradition to US

News agency founder says it will be his final attempt to prevent proceedings

Posted 11:28 AM EDT, Mon May 20, 2024

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he will appeal a court ruling that he can be extradited to the US. Speaking at a news conference inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange said the appeal would be his final attempt to prevent the extradition proceedings.

The US is hoping to extradite Assange and try him for espionage. Assange denies the charges and says he is being persecuted for publishing classified information about the US government.

The news prompted cheering from Assange's supporters, who have been protesting outside the High Court in London for the past week. US authorities have accused Assange of conspiring with former US intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to leak classified diplomatic cables and military files.

The US has also charged Assange with hacking into a US government computer system. Assange denies the hacking charge and says Manning was the sole source of the leaked material.
